What does the expression poker face mean

An ace in the hole is either an ace as his or her hole card in a game of poker, or a hidden advantage that other people aren't... How to Control Tilt and What Does It Mean? – Gambling and

Poker Terms - Poker Dictionary | PokerNews A big part of learning the game of poker is becoming acquainted with and knowing how to use special vocabulary associated with the game. Some poker terms and phrases are obvious in their meaning countenance - Dictionary Definition : Vocabulary.com Countenance comes from a French word for "behavior," but it has become a fancy term for either the expression of a face or the face itself: "He had a puzzled countenance," or "what a charming countenance!" Countenance can also be a

Check our answers to ‘What does it mean when someone says you have a poker face?’ - we found 20 replies and comments relevant to this matter. The best answers are submitted by users of ChaCha, Wiki.answers.com and Answerbag.com.

poker | Origin and meaning of poker by Online Etymology Dictionary Meaning: "the iron bar with which men stir the fire" [Johnson], 1530s, agent noun from poke (v.) ... A popular alternative theory traces the word to French poque, also said to ... "[B]ut without documentation these explanations are mere speculation" [Barnhart] ... It follows that the possession of a good poker face is an advantage. poker face - Wiktionary (poker) An impassive facial expression cultivated to prevent other players from determining whether one's actions in the game are the result of a quality hand, ...

Poker Face is about many things. Lady Gaga has been asked many times the meaning of this song and she has given several different answers. First and foremost, it is obvious that lyrically Poker Face is about sex and gambling; or more specifically, sex, with the use of gambling metaphors.

What Does "Fold" Mean When Playing Poker? - ThoughtCo What does it mean to fold in poker? Folding is when you lay down your cards without calling the bet and you then are out for the rest of the hand. What does Poker Face mean? | Yahoo Answers In poker there are a lot of "tells", that is like "giveaways" about what a person is feeling etc. So when that American woman or whoever the song is by refers to a poker face, they mean a face, probably expression-less, that gives no clues to what that person is thinking or feeling. Poker Terms Explained | Pokerology.com In this lesson we’ll explain just what some of those colourful expressions mean along with a list of terms which any poker player, who aspires to become conversant in the game needs to know. Glossary of Poker Terms. Let’s start off with a list of poker terms that you’ll need to be familiar with.

Define poker face. poker face synonyms, poker face pronunciation, poker face translation, English dictionary definition of poker face. n. A face lacking any interpretable expression, as that of an expert poker player. pok′er·faced′ adj. n informal a face

poker face meaning: 1. an expression on someone's face that does not show what they are thinking or feeling: 2. an expression on someone's face that does not ... What Does Poker Face Mean? - Writing Explained Poker face definition. What is the meaning of poker face? Learn this English idiom along with other words and phrases at Writing Explained. What is poker face?

Urban Dictionary: poker face

Blank expression - Wikipedia A deliberately-induced blank expression meant to conceal one's emotions is also known as a poker face, referring to the common practice of maintaining one's composure when playing the card game poker. The term poker face was used outside the game of poker by American sportswriters in the 1920s to describe a competitor who appeared unaffected by ... What does poker mean? definition, meaning and ... Dictionary entry overview: What does poker mean? • POKER (noun) The noun POKER has 2 senses:. 1. fire iron consisting of a metal rod with a handle; used to stir a fire 2. any of various card games in which players bet that they hold the highest-ranking hand Familiarity information: POKER used as a noun is rare. what does the expression poker face mean? | Yahoo Answers Best Answer: When you play poker you have to make a face as if there is no reaction so other players don't know whether you have a good hand or not. In Lady Gaga's song she has said she has to put on a poker face when being with a man when she is really fantasizing about women, which she has confirmed to being into both. What does 'Poker face' mean in Chinese? - Quora

Poker-face - Idioms by The Free Dictionary Definition of poker-face in the Idioms Dictionary. poker-face phrase. What does poker-face expression mean? Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. Poker Face | Definition of Poker Face by Merriam-Webster 23 Apr 2019 ... Poker face definition is - an inscrutable face that reveals no hint of a ... Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of ... Poker face Meaning - YouTube 23 Apr 2015 ... Video shows what poker face means. An impassive facial expression cultivated to prevent other players from determining whether one's actions ... Poker Face: The Meaning and History - PokerTube