Casino of pope pius iv

Pirro Ligorio - Wikipedia Pirro Ligorio (c. 1512/1513 - 30 October 1583) was an Italian architect, painter, antiquarian, and garden designer during the Renaissance period. Casina Pio IV - Wikipedia

Pope Leo X canonized eleven individuals during his reign with seven of those being a group cause of martyrs. The most notable canonization from his papacy was that of Francis of Paola on 1 May 1519. Pope Leo XI - Wikipedia Alessandro served as the Florentine ambassador to Pope Pius V from 1569 to 1584 and was later appointed by Pope Gregory XIII as the Bishop of Pistoia in 1573. Pope Clement VII - Wikipedia

Vatican Gardens: The Pope’s Personal Garden of Eden

Ligorio also built the Casino of Pope Pius IV (Casina di Pio IV) in the Vatican Gardens (1558–62) and the Rotunda with Baldassare Peruzzi (1481–1536). He decorated his works with profuse stucco ornament; the Casino is a good example of his decoration. Ligorio also published a work on Roman… Pope Pius IV - definition of Pope Pius IV by The Free… (redirected from Pope Pius IV) Also found in: Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.Their work builds handsomely on the efforts of one Pirro Ligorio, an Italian artist and scholar of ancient monuments, who, among other achievements, built the celebrated villa Casina di Pio IV, the Casino of Pope Pius IV, in the grounds... Pius IV (Pope) (Giovanni Angelo de' Medici; 1499–1565;… Pius IV supported humanistic and artistic ventures in Rome in many ways. He encouraged Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina; he appointed to the cardinalate such eminent humanists as Girolamo Seripando, Stanislaus Hosius, and Guglielmo Sirleto; and he remained a loyal supporter of Michelangelo and...

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Mar 27, 2019 · Pius IV: Pius IV, Italian pope (1559–65) who reconvened and concluded the Council of Trent. A canon lawyer, in 1545 he was ordained and consecrated archbishop of Ragusa and in 1547 was appointed papal vice legate for Bologna. He was made cardinal priest in 1549. After a long conclave Giovanni was elected Vatican Gardens: The Pope’s Personal Garden of Eden The Casino of Pius IV: A Summer House Fit for a Pope The fanatical Pope Paul IV (who you might know for his plan to destroy Michelangelo’s work in the Sistine Chapel) was dissatisfied with the classical pagan sculptures that appeared at every turn in Julius’ gardens, and resolved to expand them away from Bramante’s courtyard. Giardino e Casino Pontificio del Vaticano - Casino di Papa Pio IV Pinacoteca Vaticana. The Plate (No. 182) This 1761 etching by Giuseppe Vasi is an interesting record of the changes made by Pope Clement XIII to the surroundings and accesses to the small casino designed by Pirro Ligorio for Pope Pius IV in 1561. Pope Pius IV - Wikipedia

Category:House of Medici - Wikipedia

The wall did not hide the dome of S. Pietro, a nightmare for Pope Pius IV; at the death of Michelangelo in 1564 ... Casino of Pius IV - Students' Guide to Italian Renaissance Architecture The Casino of Pope Pius IV, which was designed by Pirro Ligorio, is a small villa within the larger Vatican complex. It is located in the Vatican gardens to the ... 240. Pirro Ligorio /// The Casino of Pius IV (Villa Pia) /// Vatican City ... Pirro Ligorio /// The Casino of Pius IV (Villa Pia) /// Vatican City State ... 部屋 · Vatican City Pope Julius Ii, Saint Peter Square, Vatican Rome, St Peters Basilica  ...

Pope Pius IV 31 March 1499 9 December 1565 born Giovanni Angelo Medici was Pope from 25 December 1559 to his death in 1565 Early life Cardinalate Elect.

Pius IV had Pirro Ligorio and a host of painters continue to build and decorate the Casino of Pius IV, a villa suburbana begun under his predecessor, Paul IV. The structure, intended as a retreat for the pope, is located in the Vatican gardens on the west side of the Belvedere Court. Pius IV | pope | Mar 27, 2019 · Pius IV: Pius IV, Italian pope (1559–65) who reconvened and concluded the Council of Trent. A canon lawyer, in 1545 he was ordained and consecrated archbishop of Ragusa and in 1547 was appointed papal vice legate for Bologna. He was made cardinal priest in 1549. After a long conclave Giovanni was elected Vatican Gardens: The Pope’s Personal Garden of Eden The Casino of Pius IV: A Summer House Fit for a Pope The fanatical Pope Paul IV (who you might know for his plan to destroy Michelangelo’s work in the Sistine Chapel) was dissatisfied with the classical pagan sculptures that appeared at every turn in Julius’ gardens, and resolved to expand them away from Bramante’s courtyard. Giardino e Casino Pontificio del Vaticano -

The Casino of Pius IV in the Vatican - ResearchGate Download Citation on ResearchGate | The Casino of Pius IV in the Vatican | Il Casino di Pio IV nei Giardini Vaticani fu progettata dall'antiquario Pirro Ligorio (c. 1531–83), uno degli ... Religious Order of Popes - Liturgy and Sacraments - Catholic ... There were a few who were monks: Pope St. Gregory the Great was a monk of the order he established in honour of St. Andrew: Pope Urban II belonged to the monastery of Cluny; Pope Victor III was abbot of the Benedictine Monastery of Monte Casino; Pope Paschal II was a Cluniac Monk and Pope Gregory XVI [the most recent Pope to belong to an order ... QUOTES BY POPE PIUS IV | A-Z Quotes They [Bishops] shall also banish from churches all those kinds of music, in which, whether by the organ, or in the singing, there is mixed up any thing lascivious or impure; as also all secular actions; vain and therefore profane conversations, all walking about, noise, and clamour, that so the house of God may be seen to be, and may be called, truly a house of prayer. Pope Pius IV - Encyclopedia Volume -